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Fundraising campaign for the SOS Foundation

Some volunteers of the ShriSSWF have taken the initiative to realize one of the humanitatian aims of our foundation.

ShriSSWF and SOS (Stichting/Foundation Ondersteuning/Support Sovata in Romania)

These volunteers have organized a clothes fair in Breda (in the south of the Netherlands). It was quite a challenge to organize and promote this event, it took a lot of work. The public was asked to donate superfluous autumn and winter clothes, to put it up for sale on the day of the fair. The number of sale participants exceeded all expectations and the fair was well visited. over 3500 pieces of clothing were donated that day. A part of the fee for sale participants and of the revenue of selling clothes was donated to ShriSSWF. It was decided to donate the remaing clothes to a good cause at the end of the fair. In deliberation with the sale participants it was dicided to choose the Foundations Support Sovata (SOS) as this good cause. This foundation was founded in 2007 and has a large storage hall in Oud Beyerland. From all over the country goods like clothes, shoes, blankets, food and various other urgently needed items are collected and stored there for transportation to Romania. The SOS Foundation keeps a list of most needed goods.

The poverty in the town Sovata in the Romanian province Transylvania is appalling. The poorest people are mostly Romany (gipsies), living in inhumane circumstances. An orphanage in Sovata is supported, with at the time of writing this page 158 children of ages 2 upto 18. Also, schools are provided school supplies and the hospital, family doctor and home care are supplied with desperately needed equipment and medicine. Twice a year, in April and in October, a 14 meter long truck, sponsored by VAT logistics, goes to Sovata packed with goods. In October 2015 the truck was filled with over 800 banana boxes, 26 bicycles and lots of packages. A group of volunteers from the SOS Foundation visited 185 families and delivered family boxes, packages and food stamps. This is an enormous help to these people for surviving the severe winter. They mostly live in shacks with dirt floors, without running water and electricity. Clothes donated by ShriSSWF to the SOS Foundation were gratefully accepted in Sovata. Seva is possible in many ways. When a good idea is worked out properly, many needy people can be helped and unfortunately there are many needy people in the world. We hope that in the future more such projects will be organized to help the needy, let this clothing project be a good example.

For more information about the SOS Foundation, please go to