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ShriSSWF organizes a monthly kirtan, which is a mandir service with singing songs praising God. All attending the kirtan are invited to sing along as a choir. This creates the suitable atmosphere for enjoying a spiritual experience.

The kirtans are brief and easy, so that everyone can sing along. Every sunday before the monthly kirtan, a kirtan practice takes place. For the bhajans/kirtans that are sung, the songbook ‘Bhajan Mala’ is directive, internationally as well. This book is for sale on the sales table at the kirtan.


Sevadals enable the kirtan to go smoothly. Sevaks and sevika’s can be recognized by their red scarfs or badges. During the kirtan they help preparing food in the kitchen, pass out prasad, food and drinks in the hall, clean up, etc.
When necessary, Sevaks and sevika’s are authorized to take corrective action.

Many of you travel for hours to attend the service and have a long return journey. Therefore serving delicious food (sacrificed to God) is a form of seva and hence equally important as consuming prasadam. To help covering the expenses, inclusive of hall rent, you can put a voluntary contribution in the donation box at the kirtan or become a donor of ShriSSWF.