Shri Satyam’s 25th birthday celebration has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
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Mission of the ShriSSWF

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The mission of the Shri Satyam Sai World Foundation (ShriSSWF) is to offer people the opportunity to get in touch with spiritual values, as they are recorded in the Veda’s and the Indian philosophy (Sanatana Dharma), eventually with the purpose to obtain insight in the personal inner Divinity and of each individual, independent of origin, culture, religion or conviction. These spiritual values are Truth (Sathya), Righteousness (Dharma), Peace (Shanti), Love (Prema) and Non-violence (Ahimsa).

The Foundation does this by:

• offering kirtans (gatherings to sing devotional hymns for God),
• organizing various activities, such as yoga, Hindi and Indian classical music,
• founding and maintaining one or multiple Multi-cultural Spiritual Centers,
• supplying information about Vedic philosophy and other (spiritual) subjects,
• stimulating the spiritual and physical health in the broadest sense,
• to stay in touch with other similar organizations,
• and following the instructions given by Shri Satyam, that are given occasionally.

Read more about ‘Information Mission of ShriSSWF’.