For quite some time there has been a youth project in our foundation. The members are inspired by the aims as explained in the mission of the ShriSSWF articles of regulation. The project is meant for young people of age upto 35. The main activities in which the youth group take part are: Participation in the Bhajangroup, sportactivities, taking part in the Sevadal, language courses, religious and spiritual education, helping to organize the annual activities like the family weekend and supplying items for the newsletter. Everyone contributes voluntary according to personal qualities.
Among seniors there is a need for a senior project. Many seniors already participate in activities as mentioned above. Seniors often have different interests as young people. Young people are often occupied with school activities or building a carreer. Senioren however often have a lot of free time. It is important to find out what specific needs seniors have.
To learn about this we invite the seniors amoung us to take part in an enquiry. From talks with Dutch seniors we already know there is a demand for learning more about the teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Hindu traditions. Hindu seniors in the Netherlands mostly came from Surinam, there they used to be brought up with traditional Hinduism as it was passed on by older generations. This was passed on mainly in the form of pujas, mythology, the world of the gods, the holy scriptures and kathas (public religious gatherings). From the enquiry we want to find out about the needs of these Hindu seniors. The enquiry is the first step to form a senior project. Therefor it is important for us to gather and discuss this matter. After approaching the seniors to fill in these forms, these forms must get analysed. Then it can be set which activities will take place in the senior project and who will take part in it. During kirtans enquiry forms are present at the volunteer table.