In the organization there is a big wish to realize an Ashram/Spiritual Center somewhere in the Netherlands where all existing activities can be held and where many new activities can be developed.
To see if this wish is present among visitors to the kirtan, surveys have been held during meetings. This caused a lot of positive response and quite a number of people already registered to participate somehow in the project. The wishes present in the organization as well as the input of visitors to the kirtan are combined in a program of wishes for realizing the new Ashram/Spiritual Center.
The program of wishes has been translated by our architects into a spatial concept. It has been presented already to a large audience in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium. This cause a lot of enthusiastic response. In cooperation with the architects, the organization works hard at present to put together a structure of organization for realizing the concept of an Ashram/Spiritual Center.
Important issues in this program are:
In case you have questions or suggestions considering this new project, then you can send them to our email address
IBAN: NL 14INGB0005184612 / BIC: INGBNL2A
in the name of: “Shri Satyam Sai World Foundation te Amersfoort”, stating: “Project Building Ashram”.
Thank you for your contribution!
On behalf of the board of the ShriSSWF Foundation.